Why Tyndale - Lifelong Learning
Our Brand Values

Why Tyndale – Lifelong Learning
Tyndale is committed to the whole community being lifelong learners. We recognise the importance of providing quality programs which allow the opportunity to gain deep knowledge, skills and understanding and then to apply these in the relevant context within and beyond school.
- helping young people to help themselves become better learners
- developing students’ learning habits
- preparing young people for a lifetime of learning
- regular goal setting and review sessions to improve practice
- professional learning groups/peer observations
- fee-help for post graduate study.
- helping children to achieve their goals
- parenting courses and workshops
- specialised information sessions
It is about creating a culture in classrooms – and in the school more widely – that systematically cultivates habits and attitudes that enable each member of the community to become better learners; face difficulty and uncertainty calmly, confidently and creatively.
- Resilient – I am a learner who has a determined attitude, always aspiring to improve
- Resourceful – I am a learner who thinks and wonders, making the most in every learning opportunity
- Relational – I am a learner who values the perspective and contribution of others, doing my best to improve teamwork
- Reflective – I am a learner who is able to self-review, planning improvement into the future.
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