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On Tuesday 31 August 2021, we were blessed with the opportunity to once again host our annual Pastors’ Morning Tea!
We hope that as a result of speaking positively into the lives of your children, they will osmotically take in what it is to be a well-rounded person who strives to be the best person in Christ that they can be.
In Term 2 2021, the students participated in the SADA Fresh ‘Cows Create Careers’ programme over six weeks. Students learnt how to care for calves from a local dairy farmer and learnt about the career pathways in the dairy industry.
Our desire is for everyone in the Tyndale community to feel a sense of belonging and that they can actively participate in the school community.
Our students learning experience is far richer because of our volunteers, no matter the department that volunteers find themselves.
We are pleased to share exciting news with regard to new developments for Middle Schooling at Tyndale Christian School – Murray Bridge in 2021.
We are excited to be launching our inaugural Small Class in 2021 as part of the suite of educational offerings at Tyndale Christian School – Murray Bridge.
Tyndale Christian School – Murray Bridge is proud of our 2020 graduates not only for their academic, but also their personal achievements throughout the challenges that this year has provided.