Why Tyndale - Intentionally Excellent
Our Brand Values

Why Tyndale – Intentionally Excellent
The School is a place of academic excellence and innovation. It provides every child with a vibrant, challenging and technology-rich education, both in core subjects and a wide range of co-curricular activities.
‘Who can ascend the hill of the almighty?…the one who has clean hands and a pure heart’
The directive given in Psalm 24:3 is very clear. It influences our belief that we are required by God to do ‘all things well, decently and in order’.
Our staff’s commitment to academic excellence in their teaching is shown through their regular involvement in professional development programs and frequent nominations for National Excellence in Teaching Awards.
We provide post-school pathways for every student, whether at:
- a tertiary institution
- an apprenticeship
- in employment.
We offer:
- a quality education for students with disabilities or learning needs
- opportunities for students to be involved in community service programs (local, regional and international)
- an arena for students to be involved in sporting and artistic activities.
Our students consistently achieve high academic outcomes, with many going on to tertiary studies.
Tyndale is recognised nationally for its outstanding Vocational Educational Training program through the Extended Learning Centre. We provide a wide range of post-school pathways, such as nursing and hospitality.
Students who require specialist assistance are catered for by specialist teachers and resources in our multi-functional special education centre. Integration with mainstream students is a key approach for our Learning Support programme.
Our school is home to a Christian community that fosters innovation and excellence in its programs for the holistic development of each Tyndalian, preparing them to move into life beyond school.
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