Murray Bridge

17 August 2021 | RISE

R.I.S.E. – Respect, Integrity, Service, Excellence

Tyndale’s educational philosophy consists of 8 parts or branches: Intentionally Christian, Intentionally Inclusive, Intentionally Excellent, Community, RISE, Lifelong Learning, Pastoral Care and Wellbeing. Today I want to explore the notion of RISE (Respect Integrity Service Excellence) and what that means for us at Tyndale Christian School – Murray Bridge. RISE grew out of a need to build the Tyndale culture many years ago. We, at Murray Bridge, have picked up on this as a constant way of reminding us of what it is that we want our students to become.

Each term we concentrate on one aspect of the acronym. In this way, over a year our students are soaked in the information that helps them to grasp and build culture. Devotion time in the mornings and weekly Chapel are used to inculcate the culture to which we aspire. At these times teachers and Chapel speakers draw from scripture and real-life experiences to illustrate what Godly living is and how it is outworked.

We hope that as a result of speaking positively into the lives of your children, they will osmotically take in what it is to be a well-rounded person who strives to be the best person in Christ that they can be. Most self-improvement programmes require the participant to model their future on a hero of some sort. In a Christian school, it is natural to take the position that Christ is our hero upon whom we model our lives.

Note that each element of the RISE principle is a trait upon which all people would like to improve. Each element reflects the person of Jesus Christ a fact that the writer of the letter to the Hebrews was all too keen to point out to his audience in Jerusalem.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1-3.

Let’s not ever forget upon whose legacy our school is dependent.

Jesus demonstrated resilience all through his ministry and most profoundly at the cross as He took on all of the problems limiting human’s relationship with God. Integrity accompanied Him in every situation as He stared down his opponent who ultimately found no fault in Him. In His miracles and encounters with those battling through life, Jesus showed his compassion and served as provider, healer and comforter in every situation. Jesus’ excellence is revealed time and time again as He consistently showed us in the Gospels what it is to love wholesomely.

RISE, as I stated earlier, defines our product. It doesn’t necessarily define our students at any one point in time but, as the years go by, we will see our graduates flourishing in life and enjoying the fruits of what they have become and who they are. I am very proud of our graduates who, though only a few in number, have already proven that they can be an influence for good in life and work wherever they may be to bring about change for the betterment of all.

Mr Bruce Hicks, Principal

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